VASEP.VN - Diễn đàn thương mại xuất nhập khẩu thủy sản Việt Nam

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TIN TỨC Từng là loại quả gây sốt vì "siêu dinh dưỡng", nay giá đột ngột lao dốc, nhiều vườn ở Lâm Đồng đốn bỏ

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Vụ bơ 034 năm 2024, người dân tại nhiều địa phương trên địa bàn tỉnh Lâm Đồng đã thu hoạch được hơn 50% sản lượng. Theo ghi nhận, năm nay, bơ 034 được mùa nhưng giá bán tại vườn...
NEWS Vietnam ??: August and September showed negative figures in Vietnamese shrimp ? exports
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Vietnam ??: August and September showed negative figures in Vietnamese shrimp ? exports

VASEP, the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers reports that the Vietnamese shrimp exports rose by 13% in July 2019, down slightly by 1.6% in August and continued to decrease by 7.4% in September. Vietnamese shrimp exports in September 2019 reached US$307.3 million, decreased by 7.4%. Accumulated in the first 9 months of 2019, shrimp exports reached US$2.4 billion, down 7% from the same...
NEWS Japan ??: Import prices for shrimp ?
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Japanese fell to a minimum of six years and Vietnam ?? became its largest shrimp supplier with an export volume of 39,000 tons.

In September, the price of shrimp imported into Japan fell to a minimum of six years, putting pressure on shrimp producers in ASEAN countries (Vietnam, Thailand, etc.), which accounted for two-thirds of Japanese shrimp imports .

According to the latest data from the International Trade Center (ITC), Japan imported 19,000 tons of shrimp products in September, an...

NEWS An Giang: Farming quality pangasius for export

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( According to the statistics of An Giang Fisheries Sub-Department, the farming area of pangasius in the first 9 months of 2019 reached 1,250 ha.
Pangasius export situation of An Giang are farvourable, the export turnover was nearly US$200 million.
Seafood processing enterprises in the province have exported...

NEWS Pangasius exports in 2019 may see the negative growth

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( By the end of September 2019, the total export value of pangasius reached US$1.46 billion, down 8.5% over the same period in 2018. Particularly in September 2019, pangasius export value decreased by 14.6%, of which, export value to many major importers such as the US, EU, Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia also dropped sharply.
Until the end of September 2019, China - Hong...

NEWS States with the Highest Number of Farms in the U.S.

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In terms of farms, the top 10 states with the highest number of farms in 2017 were Texas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, California, Kentucky, Ohio, Minnesota, Illinois, and Wisconsin. These statistics were as of March 6, 2019 published by the ERS [1].

Texas leaded the list with 240,000 farms, followed by Missouri (97,300 farms). Wisconsin ranked 10th in the list with 68,500 farms. To see more statistics about states with the highest...

NEWS Identify the main causes of slow growth in shrimp

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In many cases, the sizes of black tiger prawn as well as whiteleg shrimp don’t grow at the end of the first farming month to the beginning of the second month. This issue makes shrimp farmers concerned and causes difficulties in farming.
There are many reasons why shrimp don’t grow, or grow slowly such as breed quality, diseases, farming environment, and care.
Specifically, these are some of the main reasons for...
